Dear Connor and Jack,
HAPPY THANKSGIVING!! Sorry for yelling. I'm a big fan of this holiday. Food, fine wine*, football. The three F's. I love it. I'm thankful for it. So last year we talked about The First Thanksgiving and we learned A LOT. I know I did. This year,I thought we'd forget the past and talk about the present. Because that's what Thanksgiving is all about, the present. Thinking about what we're thankful for right now. That and turkey.
(*Anything not in a box is fine to me. And honestly the box wine is just fine too.)
So without Freddie Ado here are a few things I'm thankful for this Thanksgiving:
I'm thankful for...
Freddie Ado
If he wasn't such a huge superstar athlete beloved by millions around the world, then no one would get that joke. Thankfully American soccer has taken off just like they always said it would and Freddie Ado is the face of American soccer. So thanks, Freddie. You're the best. I think. Who knows.
I'm thankful...
The Election Is Over
Ugh. Fall is such a great time of year with the football and the leaves and the pumpkins and good TV and it no longer being 120 degrees in Las Vegas. It's all great stuff and once every four years it's infected by politicians begging us for jobs by telling us every couple seconds why someone else is terrible and they are not as terrible. If I could have one wish for you guys it's that you never become politicians. I love you guys too much to see that happen. Are all politicians terrible? No, there's good and bad people in every profession, but the ratio is not good in politics. More than you not being politicians, I don't want you to surround yourself with politicians. Pick better friends. I'm so thankful the election is over.
I'm thankful for...
The Washington Nationals
It has been a rough year for your Uncle Kevin's teams. Between the Phillies, Eagles, and Mountaineers I can't remember a more disappointing year. Hey, at least the Flyers are undefeated... ... ... sigh. All I have left is cheering against teams I hate. I talked all summer about The Nationals choking in October. Too young. Too hot headed. That was my reasoning. But I didn't know. I was prepared, with how the year was going to watch those punks win a World Series. But they gave me such a fantastic present. Their epic collapse against the Cardinals in game 5 of the NLDS after taking a 6-0 lead was a thing of beauty. I could feel it happening, it was like they knew I was watching. Just fantastic. Aaaand just like that I feel better about this sports year. Thank you, Washington Nationals.
I'm thankful for...
I love Thanksgiving dinner. I'm so excited to put it in my mouth. It's gonna be so good. Then I'm gonna nap. Then I'm gonna have a bonfire in my back yard, cause I like fires and burning stuff. And then I'm gonna eat some more. Then sleep again. And then I'm gonna wake up on Friday and make the greatest leftover sandwich ever. Prolly nap after that. Then I'll turn on the news and watch people get trampled at a K-Mart*. It's a beautiful tradition.
(Hey, K-Mart, given the history of morons at your store on Black Friday, maybe don't call your special "Door Buster Sale". Just a thought.)
I'm thankful for...
My Homemade Sangria
It's delicious.
I'm thankful for...
Friends and Dogs
When I can't be with you guys on T-Gives, I do my best to surround myself with good people. It helps that half of those people are actually dogs. There will be six people at dinner this year, and five, maybe six dogs. Not everyone every dog has rsvp'd. I'm gonna try and take a group picture and put it here, but it might be difficult to orchestrate. Anyway, I'm thankful for all the animals I'm with today, whether they have tails or thumbs. Or both?
Here are two of our guests Nia and Frankie:
I'm thankful for...
My First Love: Wednesday Adams
I'm thankful for...
For You Guys
Cause without you guys I'd just be a crazy person writing to no one. AND I'M CERTAINLY NOT CRAZY!!!
Well maybe I am, but we're family so you're stuck with your crazy Uncle Kevin. Everyone needs a crazy uncle. Miss you guys, love you guys, tell everyone I said Happy T-Gives! I'll talk to you soon and see you at Christmas!
Your Favorite Uncle,
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